Saturday, May 13, 2017

Exercise Me 1

I have noticed in many (including myself) that as we (the general public) get older we tend to become lazier, or want to. Life can get very busy, and can be a distraction at times with many things. One of these things is not noticing that we/ I in particular here has gained weight, and fallen into the "fatter/ less fit than I want to be" zone. Getting fit/ back in shape isn't always easy/ easy to stay on track (pun intended), and we don't always want to. Myself, I have Arthritis, so this is good for me and I need to do it all year - hopefully I will.
NOTE: This is the first of this blog for me, and as I go I will create more - thinking monthly/ bi-monthly.
With that said, I want to share the following:
1. For my friends whom have noticed and not mentioned it, or thankfully haven't noticed, I thank you.
2. For any that may need some inspiration/ motivation to get exercising/ stay exercising, I am here to try and help.
In the last month or so I have been exercising mostly at home, and I have shed 5 lbs. YAY!! (^&^)

Today I am sharing my exercise routines and non-routines, that have occurred over the last month or so.
~ Some exercises I do are either at a "regular" pace, a "slow motion" pace, or both - depending on the exercise being done or the time I may have to do it in (if I am limited with time).
~ I don't always get to exercise at the same time, or always do it the same way - variety makes it more interesting, or even at home (depends on the day/ errands ran).
Here we go!
File name: "Track me"
Officially starting to track my exercising Fri.042117

WHEN, WHAT, & Possible with WHOM
> Thur.042017 - "Max Workouts", & other videos (7 - 10pm).
"Max Workouts" is like many others trying to sell you a service/ product. I just happened to come across it during research, and check it out. I am not trying to advertise/ promote it here.
> Fri.042117 – multiple aerobic videos observed with my friend Hope. (2 - 5pm)
> Tues.050217 – Reacquainted myself with the "Core" series video (leg workout)
~ Thur.041317 – by myself (1:30pm – 10 mins)
Starting easy...
> 10 Sits ups
> Jogging on spot - 200 count, 
> 10 Toe-touching - diagonally, 
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
** Intend to add feet balancing, lunges, lying Vs, & more body twists.
~ Tues.041817 - by myself (3:10pm – 20mins)
> 5 Lying Vs
> 15 Sit ups, 
> 20 Butt lifts - 10 count (minimum) each time.
~ "Lying Vs": Laying on my back, with both legs and arms straight and stretched out as far as they can (arms above my head). I then bring both upper and lower body portions together into a V shape, much like a sit up. I have done this at a "regular" pace, as well as a "slow motion" pace. Of course the slow motion works the muscles more, as it takes longer to get to the "V" shape.
~ Butt lifts: Clenching the buttocks while standing, laying down, or while walking works great. 
BONUS: Sometimes during walking, I also tighten up my stomach muscles - this too can help with my abs, and I try to remember to do so as often as I can while "out and about".
~ Thur.042017 – by myself (1:30pm – 10 mins)
> 15 Sits ups,
> Jogging on spot - 300 count,
> 10 Toe-touching - diagonally,
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
~ Fri.042117 = Exercise – W/ Hope (2pm – 20 mins)
YouTube Video - aerobics: 
> Arm work w/ and without weights (1 lb each)
> Jogging on spot, 
> Football-style bum shake, 
> etc...
~ Sun.042317 = Exercise by myself (at boyfriend's; 9pm – 20 mins)
> Jogging on the spot - 200 count (a bit tired today).
> 10 Sit ups
> 20 Lying Vs
~ Tues.042517 = Exercise by myself (2 – 2:32pm)
> 1 wall squat – 10 sec. Count at 4 heights along the wall with weighted arms out front,
> Jogging on the spot with circular weighted arms (1 lb each) motions – 300 count,
> 10 lunges – 10 sec. Count with weighted arms front & back, sat for 2 min. Break for file update. (2:11pm)
> Arm Lifts with Reflex band - 10 sets in 4 directions (band looks like a skipping rope with wide handles)
> Jumping jacks – 10 sets of 10 with weighted arms to the sides/ jack and a knee lift (count as needed)/ side between jacks, and water break (2:20pm).
> Duo-bicycles: 10 sets of 10 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> Too tired for now... (2:32pm)
~ Thur.042717 – by myself (6:30pm – 10 mins)
> Jogging on the spot - 300 count,
> 50 Jumping jacks, 
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
~ Sun.043017 – W/ Z (3:05 – 4:25pm)
> Walked home from 900 Guelph St., Kitchener
~ Tues.050217
Home resource: "CORE Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Body Sculpting Collection"
"Lower Body Sculpt" video (12 – 12:30pm)
> 10 lunges – 10 count each leg
> 10 squats – 5 count
> 10 calf raises – 10 count
> 10 count each for legs – side swings, then back swings, then balance to the side & back.
~ This "collection" includes: "Lower Body Sculpt", "Latin Cardio Jam", & "Secret To Sexy Abs", "Full Workout", "Quick Workout", "Latin Dance Made Easy", and "Kick Start". 
~ I do intend to do more of this later. 
~ Thur.050417 (4pm – 10mins.)
> Duo-bicycles: 10 slow motion sets of 10 - bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> 5 groups of 10 slow motion sit ups
~ Mon.050817
> Walked to bus from home, to dentist from downtown terminal. (10:30 - 15mins), to pharmacy (Highland & West) from Homewood & Queen, to home from pharmacy (1 – 15mins).
~ Tues.050917
LEGS (10 – 10:30am)
> Jogging on the spot with arms moving too – 300 count
> Balancing: one foot against other leg – 5 count each – 2 times, 10 count each – once.
> 50 jumping jacks
> 50 squats with arms lifted to center of throat height.
> Across body elbow to lifted knee – 50 each side.
> Lunges - 5 groups of 10 each side.
> Across body toe touching – 10 each side.
> 10 push ups off the side of my bed.
ABS (10:30 – 11am)
> Duo-bicycles: 40 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> 10 Lying Vs – 10 count hold each.
> 100 sit ups – 50 normal paced, 50 slow motion paced.
~ Wed.051017
> Walked from boyfriend's to corner of Lackner & Fairway (missed the bus by 3 mins walk from plaza driveway to stop), then up Fairway to River (1/2 hour). Stopped for food in food court, then took bus downtown. Walked home from downtown terminal (20 mins). => 50 mins of walking.
~ Thur.051117
School Field Trip Day!
> Walked from home through park to downtown KPL (40 mins), then walked with Z's class to Victoria Park (rested for 15 mins) and then walked home.
~ Fri.051217
> Walked to Pita Factory w/ my boys & Hope for dinner (reward for downsizing for 5 hours today!), and then back after. (7pm - 20? mins each way)

~ Mon.051517
> Walked to bus (10 mins), walked to Service Canada (Frederick & King = 5 mins), shopping in the mall (1hr?), walked to & shopped at Best Buy & Beat Goes On (2hrs, 30mins?), walked back to mall for bus (10mins?), walked home from bus stop (5mins) = 4 hrs?
~ Wed.051717
Trip to KPL downtown - Z's book on hold (4 – 7pm)
> Waked to KPL from home, walked to Dollarama, and walked home.
~ Thur.051817 (12:35 – 1:35pm, & 3:30 - 4pm)
> Walked from home to the bus stop (10 mins), walked from downtown bus terminal to dentist and back (15mins), walked from Tim Hortons (bus stop) on Highland to run errands, then home (35mins). = 1hr of walking.
> 20 Lying Vs
> 20 Lying diagonal crunches each side.
> 20 Lying leg lifts each side – lifted straight-legged from the floor to as far to my chest as possible.
> 50 Diagonal elbow to lifted knee (standing crunches) – each side.
> 50 Sit ups – normal paced.
> Duo-bicycles: 40 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> Balancing: one foot against other leg – 5 count each – 2 times, 10 count each – once.
~ Wed.052417 (11 – 11:30am)
Home resource: "CORE Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Body Sculpting Collection"
"Secret To Sexy Abs"
> Crunching: diagonal, straight, rotate; rhythm moves, normal/ slow motion & faster tempos...
& Keep Your Mind on Your Abs! (^&~)
Until next time...
Take Care & Safe Travels!
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