Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Enemies Within - Part 2

As I continue this blog in regards to our Inner Demons, I also continue speaking indirectly of friendship. Today I am speaking directly about a status post from a friend of mine - Jenn P. who said "fear is a clusterf***er. Bump it off the way, and Joy follows..."
My first response to this became too long, and I decided it's better shared here.:

Absolutely sista!!!
This reminds me of  some wise words spoken in a Bruce Lee  movie, that basically say... "There are 3 inner demons - hate, fear, and anger."
My belief:
This is much more true than some may realize; and as such, some of my friends have called this the "black/ dark" side of our "human nature/ souls". It is up to each of us in our world to learn & practiced ways to rid ourselves of these, and I am no exception. (just being honest)
My observance:
Conflict resolution/ anger management classes are not always the "solution" we may be looking for, or may be the "hidden starting of a solution". Some of us have gone more than once; as it is usually out of frustrations and thoughts of the classes "not working".
It's not always easy to remember the practice examples given, or to remind ourselves to practice them during these moments. If we can realize when these emotions are "running amuk/ taking over", then it is easier to remember & practice them.  To "identify the problem" while it's happening/ before it begins, is not an easy task.
My perspective:
It's precisely this not remembering to practice/ thinking during the "heat of the moment", that is our biggest challenge and partial to all three of our inner demons listed above. With all this going on, it may seem overwhelming. Time to take a breather, and relax. As I have blogged of this in my previous blog "Our Enemies Within - Part 1", thinking of how we want to be treated by others can help us to become better friends - not only to ourselves, but others also.
Until next time!
Take care & Safe travels!
Chris S. (*@^@*)

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