Monday, June 4, 2012

What Matters To You?

~~~+++=== BLOGGING WITH PURPOSE ===+++~~~

I have read many blogs along my "investigative journeys" of sharing 'wacky celebrations' daily. Some have been really great to find, but not all have much to say that is of real importance. So with thoughts of "quality over quantity", I would rather blog of things that matter in life (of course, I will still blog about other "life experiences" also). 
This is not a "new" idea; as it has been discussed before in the "Access Creativity" group that I attend, and probably within many other groups of creative thinkers. It was a day in May, when I finally figured out how to 'Le Challenge' it for us all.
So here it is... (^^^)

An ongoing 'Le Challenge': To me and anyone interested. 
WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT: Any/ many different important life matters.
What are YOU curious about?
How/ does it affect the creative aspects in your chosen area(s) of interest/ profession(s)/ life?

1. TREES: the importance of them, why we need to replant them, and why it's CRUCIAL to stop cutting our trees/ forests of the world!
An example of this is shown well through the animated movie "Fern Gulley". This gives a great introduction to these thoughts, and a possible solution (stopping the cutting) of our forests. In the movie a character named Zack fights against technology/ the "evil spirit" of mankind.
2. Music Industry:
How commercializing artists takes away from the artist's creativity & process of creating.
3. Conforming to "normal" standards in each genre of commercialism. 

Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels
Chris S. (*@^@*)

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