WHAT: This was a city council meeting
WHERE: in Kitchener City Hall - Council Chambers
WHEN: Tuesday, February 15 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm.
I happened to arrive at what seemed to be "perfect timing", and found a seat quickly. As I settled in, I started to take notes. But the discussions move quickly, so I did not catch as much as I would have liked to have recorded.
The following is what I did "catch":
Who was up at the podium to speak with the city council members: The Mayor
The city council asked about accountability for a $10, 000 yearly fund.
Mayor's reply: majority goes to inviting & hosting others from out of town.
The city council asked which is needed more, family doctors or specialists.
Mayor's reply: Both due to family doctors having to refer patients to specialists out of town. 40% of doctors that are 50 + yrs of age are looking to retire. The city uses a marketing strategy to attract and recruit doctors. There are programs local to K/W only, as Cambridge has their own.
Next up: "Creative Enterprise Initiative"
They spoke of: The "Arts & Cultures Sustainability Fund".
- It's about community & cultural "pillars".
- They have 5 objectives; 2 of which are to enhance facilities, and to attract & keep recruits.
- Community Report 2009
- Sustainability funding
- The fact that we are competing with Toronto, Ottawa, & Guelph for "leading the way to a new economy".
- Courage, conviction, and leadership is what is trying to be attained here.
The city council asked: "Who would you be held accountable to?"
They answered:
- investors/ those they work for or with.
- the work to be done (commitments)
- etc...
The city council asked:"Would you be willing to submit a balance sheet to the city?"
They answered: "Absolutely!"
The city council asked: "What's in joepardy if we don't take this step?"
They answered:
- the sense of wonder and bold ideas from the creative minds in our community.
- our agenda will fall behind, and we as a community will not see the benefits as quickly.
- a vibrant community that attracts others to come from out of town.
- etc...
The city council said: There are concerns of funds allocating to "feeding your groups needs" and NOT the needs of the arts & cultural community.
They answered:
- No, we have private funding that helps us with that.
- We are at a creative "global intersection".
- We strive to move forward in the arts community, and we are trying to make this community what it needs to be for future generations to come.
- We will be hiring a creative executive director, a C.E. O., and others.
- our guess for an annual budget is $400,000 approx.
- We held a meeting previous to bringing it to the board with many art community members.
- We want to be not only about the BIG organizations, but the little ones also.
- The Region of Waterloo is supportive.
- This is an economic IMPERATIVE for our city.
- We get funding in all sectors (private, public, and otherwise).
- Companies are PAYING to shuttle workers to and from Toronto daily, because of our ever growing efforts, job creations, etc... We want to not only have them come here to work, but also attract them to our city to LIVE here.
Note: There is an "Arts & Cultural Advisory Committee".
Next up: Glass Gallery/ Clay & Glass Gallery
They spoke of:
- Our city has NO benefits of natural beauty to attract others, so we must rely on our arts and cultural aspects.
- People travel to museums, theatres, sporting events, concerts, etc...
- Many from outside our city come to our arts and cultural venues.
- Balance is needed, and the arts contribute to a healthy, vibrant cultural scene in this city.
- It's an investment for our city.
Next up: K/W Art Gallery & K/W Symphony
They spoke of:
- What does our arts contribute to our community?
Creativity, imagination, ambition, culture, inspiration, etc...
- The arts attract business, people, and creativity. And are recognized as a VITAL improvement to growth & development for our community.
- Part of the initiative is to get "outsiders" that are being shuttled to work here, to want to LIVE here.
- We are the 9th largest orchestra in the COUNTRY! We are well respected, viewed as innovative & experimental, and our orchestra program is NATIONALLY known!!!
- Without funding to the arts & cultural community, the city will fall behind and lose their "creative thinkers".
Next Up: The Museum
They spoke of:
- Affects on our economy, if "outsiders" stopped coming to spend their money here for various attractions, events, etc...
- An example of randomly meeting an "outsider" family that was here early to attend an event. And how he went for dinner with them, walked past the museum, and stopped to talk about it. Then on another day, saw that same family come into the museum for the attraction they had previously spoke about on the street last they met.
From here I lost track of who was next up to speak to the city council...
They spoke of:
- Why Creative institutions are essential:
+ Urban renewal and densification
+ Attraction, recruitment, and relocation of "top talents"
+ Diretly linked to retaining a good economy.
+ Job creators and prosperity growers
+ Successful urban infrastructures
+ Future prosperity and vitality of our city is directly linked to the future prosperity and vitality of our arts & cultural community.
- Having an unlimited potential within our artists in our community
- Business + Arts + Community = A vibrant, inspirational, prosperous place to live.
- "TEDx Waterloo": http://www.facebook.com/TEDxWaterloo?k=app_4949752878
Technology Entertainment (?) Design
- Event coming up March 3 @ the Centre in the Square.
Personally, I noticed that there was a lot of repetition on certain view points of why funding is so important to our city (a lot of "mumbo jumbo" in there, some may say as well). And there was NOT ENOUGH mention to our LOCAL "unknown/ non-elite" artists in our community. THIS IS A SHAME!!! Especially when it is more often than not the "unknown/ non-elite" that really ADD to the culture of our community. Black Orchid Designs, Delirium, Licious Lingerie, U Rock Recycled Clothing, and numerous others come to immediate mind. Where do "us local artists" get to "display our works" and get funding??? Unless we happen to "know the right people" or rent/ own a "display space" of our own, there is limited access to us. And unless it's a government grant (which can be difficult to acquire), it can be pretty difficult to "raise funds". Thus "us local artists" must struggle tirelessly to "get by".
In the end, the various speakers seemed to have to "squeeze it in" as if playing a "time limit game". It didn't seem very promising for our Arts & Cultural Community. But hopefully it has inspired the city council, to continue funding this all too important aspect of our city!!!
Until next time...
Wild Wicked Wishes!!!
Chris S./ Trish D. (*@^@*)