Thursday, February 17, 2011

EVENT: Should Kitchener Support the Arts?

WHAT: This was a city council meeting
WHERE: in Kitchener City Hall - Council Chambers
WHEN: Tuesday, February 15 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm.

I happened to arrive at what seemed to be "perfect timing", and found a seat quickly. As I settled in, I started to take notes. But the discussions move quickly, so I did not catch as much as I would have liked to have recorded.
The following is what I did "catch":

Who was up at the podium to speak with the city council members: The Mayor
The city council asked about accountability for a $10, 000 yearly fund.
Mayor's reply: majority goes to inviting & hosting others from out of town.

The city council asked which is needed more, family doctors or specialists.
Mayor's reply: Both due to family doctors having to refer patients to specialists out of town. 40% of doctors that are 50 + yrs of age are looking to retire. The city uses a marketing strategy to attract and recruit doctors. There are programs local to K/W only, as Cambridge has their own.

Next up: "Creative Enterprise Initiative"
They spoke of: The "Arts & Cultures Sustainability Fund".
- It's about community & cultural "pillars".
- They have 5 objectives; 2 of which are to enhance facilities, and to attract & keep recruits.
- Community Report 2009
- Sustainability funding
- The fact that we are competing with Toronto, Ottawa, & Guelph for "leading the way to a new economy".
- Courage, conviction, and leadership is what is trying to be attained here.

The city council asked: "Who would you be held accountable to?"
They answered:
- investors/ those they work for or with.
- the work to be done (commitments)
- etc...

The city council asked:"Would you be willing to submit a balance sheet to the city?"
They answered: "Absolutely!"

The city council asked: "What's in joepardy if we don't take this step?"
They answered:
- the sense of wonder and bold ideas from the creative minds in our community.
- our agenda will fall behind, and we as a community will not see the benefits as quickly.
- a vibrant community that attracts others to come from out of town.
- etc...

The city council said: There are concerns of funds allocating to "feeding your groups needs" and NOT the needs of the arts & cultural community.
They answered:
- No, we have private funding that helps us with that.
- We are at a creative "global intersection".
- We strive to move forward in the arts community, and we are trying to make this community what it needs to be for future generations to come.
- We will be hiring a creative executive director, a C.E. O., and others.
- our guess for an annual budget is $400,000 approx.
- We held a meeting previous to bringing it to the board with many art community members.
- We want to be not only about the BIG organizations, but the little ones also.
- The Region of Waterloo is supportive.
- This is an economic IMPERATIVE for our city.
- We get funding in all sectors (private, public, and otherwise).
- Companies are PAYING to shuttle workers to and from Toronto daily, because of our ever growing efforts, job creations, etc... We want to not only have them come here to work, but also attract them to our city to LIVE here.

Note: There is an "Arts & Cultural Advisory Committee".

Next up: Glass Gallery/ Clay & Glass Gallery

They spoke of:
- Our city has NO benefits of natural beauty to attract others, so we must rely on our arts and cultural aspects.
- People travel to museums, theatres, sporting events, concerts, etc...
- Many from outside our city come to our arts and cultural venues.
- Balance is needed, and the arts contribute to a healthy, vibrant cultural scene in this city.
- It's an investment for our city.

Next up: K/W Art Gallery & K/W Symphony

They spoke of:
- What does our arts contribute to our community?
Creativity, imagination, ambition, culture, inspiration, etc...
- The arts attract business, people, and creativity. And are recognized as a VITAL improvement to growth & development for our community.
- Part of the initiative is to get "outsiders" that are being shuttled to work here, to want to LIVE here.
- We are the 9th largest orchestra in the COUNTRY! We are well respected, viewed as innovative & experimental, and our orchestra program is NATIONALLY known!!!
- Without funding to the arts & cultural community, the city will fall behind and lose their "creative thinkers".

Next Up: The Museum

They spoke of:
- Affects on our economy, if "outsiders" stopped coming to spend their money here for various attractions, events, etc...
- An example of randomly meeting an "outsider" family that was here early to attend an event. And how he went for dinner with them, walked past the museum, and stopped to talk about it. Then on another day, saw that same family come into the museum for the attraction they had previously spoke about on the street last they met.

From here I lost track of who was next up to speak to the city council...

They spoke of:
- Why Creative institutions are essential:
+ Urban renewal and densification
+ Attraction, recruitment, and relocation of "top talents"
+ Diretly linked to retaining a good economy.
+ Job creators and prosperity growers
+ Successful urban infrastructures
+ Future prosperity and vitality of our city is directly linked to the future prosperity and vitality of our arts & cultural community.
- Having an unlimited potential within our artists in our community
- Business + Arts + Community = A vibrant, inspirational, prosperous place to live.
- "TEDx Waterloo":
Technology Entertainment (?) Design
- Event coming up March 3 @ the Centre in the Square.

Personally, I noticed that there was a lot of repetition on certain view points of why funding is so important to our city (a lot of "mumbo jumbo" in there, some may say as well). And there was NOT ENOUGH mention to our LOCAL "unknown/ non-elite" artists in our community. THIS IS A SHAME!!! Especially when it is more often than not the "unknown/ non-elite" that really ADD to the culture of our community. Black Orchid Designs, Delirium, Licious Lingerie, U Rock Recycled Clothing, and numerous others come to immediate mind. Where do "us local artists" get to "display our works" and get funding??? Unless we happen to "know the right people" or rent/ own a "display space" of our own, there is limited access to us. And unless it's a government grant (which can be difficult to acquire), it can be pretty difficult to "raise funds". Thus "us local artists" must struggle tirelessly to "get by".

In the end, the various speakers seemed to have to "squeeze it in" as if playing a "time limit game". It didn't seem very promising for our Arts & Cultural Community. But hopefully it has inspired the city council, to continue funding this all too important aspect of our city!!!

Until next time...
Wild Wicked Wishes!!!
Chris S./ Trish D. (*@^@*)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Important to be Proud of Who We Are!!!

Hello again,
This round is all about knowing who you are, and being proud of it.
I am writing out the lyrics to a favorite song of mine, that I found on a children's video. That video is a Jim Henson Video called "Muppet Sing Alongs - Muppet Treasure Island". This is also in a way a "tribute" to the great man himself. I am truly sad that he is no longer with us (same with Dr. Seuss for that matter).

I call it "The Female Pirate song". Here are the lyrics:

I'm a real pirate, from me boots up to me hat.
I'm a real pirate, hey me lads!
You got a problem with that?
I love adventure, that's the Life for me.
I'm a real pirate, and I love to sail the seas.
She loves to sail the sea
She loves to sail the sea

I can batten down the hatches.
I can hoist the flag.
Haul up the anchor.
and coil the rope without a snag.
Fight when fightin's needed,
and make the loudest noise
AAARRRGH!!! (3x)

If it's daring, I desire it
I'm a pirate!
Got it boys?

I'm a real pirate, from me boots up to me hat.
I'm a real pirate, hey me lads!
You got a problem with that?
I love adventure, that's the Life for me.
I'm a real pirate, and I love to sail the seas.
She loves to sail the sea
She loves to sail the sea

I can laugh with all me mateys.
Dance a merry gig.
Raise me glass of milk, and take a mighty mighty swig.
Lift me weight in booty.
It's gold my heart enjoys.

Well what about this cannon?
I can fire it! I'm a pirate!
Hear that boys?

I'm a real pirate, from me boots up to me hat.
I'm a real pirate, hey me lads!
You got a problem with that?
I love adventure, that's the Life for me.
I'm a real pirate, and I love to sail the seas.
She loves to sail the sea
She loves to sail the sea

When the mornin' sun is risin',
so slowly in the sky
Is it really so suprisin'
I wake up singin' AYE!

She's a real pirate, from me boots up to her hat.
She's a real pirate, hey me me gal
we got no problem with that.
She loves adventure,
that's the Life for me.
She's a real pirate, and she loves to sail the sea.
She loves to sail the sea
She loves to sail the sea

That's right, I love to sail the sea
I'm a real pirate, and I love to sail the sea.

Ends with conversation from Kermit
"Aw, hey that was great! You make a fantastic pirate."
"Why thank you Kermy. Gotta go! I'm late for my 3:30 Keel hauling."

As I like to be a FULL promoter of harmless trouble, Piracy can be fun if done without bad intentions. For example, What is "harmless trouble"? one might ask. It is trouble (so called) that does NOT harm anyone that you may decide to "include" (or yourself) in ANY way. Not physically, emotionally, or spiritually. That is VERY important!!!

How might someone like myself go about such things? Here's an example... I am an 'OFFICIAL BUTT INSPECTOR'. This is always an adventure that may offend the butt inspectee, if they are not willing to have their butt inspected. But it is nothing more than a quick-to-get-over offense, that does not harm anyone involved.

And on that note, I came across another song (on that same tape) that also "fits right in" with this topic.

I call it "Let The Good Shine Out"... Here it is:

All of us have good inside.
A longing to be kind and fair.
Some of us just let it hide, and act as if it weren't there.
Let me tell you friends a policy that I recommend.

Let the good shine out.
Shine for you and me.
If everybody let the good shine out,
how bright the world would be. Let the good shine out.
Join the jubilee.
If everybody let the good shine out,
we'd live in harmony.
(RED:) Oh... oh oh oh...
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh... (red ends)

You will have a peaceful glow,
when you are nice to those you meet.
Feel so happy head to toe,
and sing a song of life so sweet.
I believe it's true.
When you give love,
it comes back to you.

Let the good shine out.
Shine for you and me.
If everybody let the good shine out,
how bright the world would be.
Let the good shine out.
Join the jubilee.
If everybody let the good shine out,
we'd live in harmony.
(RED:)Oh... oh oh oh...
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh... (red ends)

(Purple:) Without my pistol and my sword,
I'm afraid I might get bored. (Purple ends)
(RED:)It feels so right,
to be so wrong. (red ends)
(Green:) We've been pirates for so long. (Green ends)
Now don't you worry,
don't you fret.
I can make you all forget.
That awful life,
you'll leave behind.
Think of all the treasure,
you will find if you just...

(Blue:) Let the good shine out.
Shine for you and me.
If everybody let the good shine out, (Blue pause)
how bright the world would be.
(Blue:) Let the good shine out.
Join the jubilee.
If everybody let the good shine out,
we'd live in harmony.
Let the good shine out. (2xs)
Shine for you and me. (2xs)
If everybody let the good shine out, (Blue pause)
how bright the world would be.
(Blue:) Let the good shine out.
Shine for you and me.
If everybody let the good shine out,(Blue pause)
we'd live in harmony.
(Blue:) We'd live in harmony. (Blue end)
Let the good shine out.
The words in red is one character, the words in purple is another, the words in green is a 3rd, and the words in blue are everyone together. I have done this for anyone who may actually want to sing it with others.

This is a WONDERFUL song for when you are feeling "blue-hearted", and to teach our children. For it is, of course, encouraging to think & behave in positive ways! And I have to say, it's good for EVERYONE!!! I myself sometimes will actually watch the video without the kids. That's right, I said it... lol

Now with all that said, I must be going. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did blogging it.
Thankz so much for coming to join in some fun here, and feel free to share this with everyone.

Until next time my darlingks...
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Tips of whom NOT to marry...

Here is some helpful info. in regards to thinking of marriage. Personally, I see this advice as NOT just for women, but men also. For it would be a shame to "fall into" any of these "traps" from others.

Father Pat Connor's new book "Whom Not to Marry: Time-Tested Advice From a Higher Authority." is designed to help evaluate if the one you're dating is marriage material. Why a priest's advice? Because for over 50 years, he spoke of with young women who opened their hearts, minds, and questions to him on the subject of "Whom Not to Marry".

I quote him:
+ "If you're thinking love conquers all, it doesn't."
+ "Change him? Forget it! He's a bad risk for marriage. I'm afraid it's just that simple."
+ "You can be deeply in love with someone to whom you cannot be successfully married."

The "NEVER MARRY Another Who..." List:
1. Cannot hold down a job.
2. Has no friends.
3. Is more affectionate in public than in private.
4. Notices all of your faults but never any of their own.
5. Has a first wife/ husband that had to sue for child support.
6. Your children don't like.
7. Wants to be a "trophy". Ex. Loves expensive clothes shopping, then wants to "show them off" at expensive places.
8. You are not attracted to physically.
9. Persists (even after a chat) with jealousy/ envy over anything.!!! Ex. You like to dance and he doesn't... his staring means jealousy. Don't marry him. BEWARE of the "GREEN EYED MONSTERS" - Jealousy & Envy - BOTH are DESTRUCTIVE!!!

~ NOTE: #s 3-6 are from a twice-married and divorced woman who sent him her own version.

1. Physical attraction - at least a little.

2. Get engaged for a year before deciding to marry. To ask:
a) Since it got "serious", has your love grown for one another?
b) Are the desired qualities you want in your possibly future children there?
c) Is your love one-sided, or equally as much?
d) What "impossible to know" info. about him, might I be glad to find out?

3. Pay CLOSE attention to his "lack of commitment" actions, and NEVER try to convince/ persuade him to marry you.

4. NO adhering to dating rules, because they can quickly change into ultimatums.

5. Marriage affects your ENTIRE life... NO need for casual weddings (like Las Vegas on a whim).

6. Money IS really important in marriage.
7. Cheap rings can mean sooo much more... Put the money toward R.E.S.P.s for your children.

My personal notes:
To the "NEVER MARRY Another WHO..." List:
10. Has a repeatedly bad rental record/ credit history.
11. Persists to be rude to you or your family/ friends (even after a chat).
12. Doesn't listen to your concerns more than an "Uh-huh".
13. Thinks ONLY of their future/ a "gold digger".

8. Mutual agreements on important Life ideas/ "things". Like aspects of respectful behaviors towards others, wanting kids (or not), morals/ principles, goals, etc...

9. As for # 6... I believe that the BEST possible way for finances to work in marriages, is a joint account for "household bills". This would include everything from your phone bill to anything NEEDED for "the family"... like children's clothes/ activities, house insurance, R.R.S.P.s, R.E.S.P.s, etc... And seperate accounts for their adult fun/ activites - Ex. coffee with Susy, going to the bar, vacations that don't involve the rest of the family, etc...


A bit of advice to think about BEFORE deciding to "tie the knot". Hope this proves helpful and is "passed on" to others.
Until next time darlingks...
Have a safe & WICKED time wherever Life's journeys & adventures take you!!!
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Our Enemies Within - Part 1

   This is a 2-part blog that directly discusses our enemies within, and indirectly speaks of friendships - to us and others. What are "enemies within"? 'Potential Bad Habits-in-Waiting' I also call them. These can be very easy "traps" to fall into, but they are all very hard to conquer. And all can become "addictive", by way of 'accidental habit formation' (as I call it). They are NEVER welcome, and tend to stay with us far longer then we want them to. They are considered as an "easy way out" for either frustrations to vent, not wanting to admit faults of our own, or perhaps other reason/ excuses. They come at any time of day or night, and can be at any given time in our lives. They are what I consider to be 'self-defeating thoughts', that are unnecessary in Life, and they are with us until we conquer each and every one of them... If we can conquer them; we can bring us inner peace with ourselves, and many things around us. After all, who couldn't use a little more peacefulness in Life... eh?
I call them our 'Inner Enemies', and this is:
I just want to say... I TOTALLY AGREE with Bruce Lee's Dad/ movie character, stating that these first 3 are our "Inner Demons"!!! DEFINITELY what I consider to be at the top of MY list!!!
1. ANGER (n fierce displeasure; extreme annoyance; rage, wrath.*)
2. HATRED (n intense dislike*)
3. FEAR (n distress or alarm caused by impending danger or pain*)
From these first 3, I have found that many of the following can/ have stemmed:
4. JEALOUSY (adj. fearful of losing a partner or possession to a rival*)
5. ENVY (n Bitter contemplation of /v Grudge another's good fortune, success, or qualities.*)
6. GREED (excessive desire for something*)
7. ARROGANCE (n proud & overbearing*) / VANITY (excessive pride*)
8. "THE SCEPTIC" (n person who habitually doubts generally accepted beliefs.*)/ "I Can't" (more like "I don't wanna put forth effort"... lol)
9. ELONGATED SORROW (n grief or sadness; adj feeling pity or regret; pitiful or wretched* for too long) It's like being in a "rut" in our Life.
* All definitions from "Collins Pocket Reference - English Dictionary" Canadian Edition
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
NOTE: There is probably a few more 'Potential Bad Habits-in-Waiting', that I'm not including here... lol However, thankfully many CAN be easily avoided if we just keep our wits about us & stick with positive thoughts/ actions... yes?
Some possible inspiration:
A helpful saying from a movie I saw recently called "Mother's Little Helpers": "Blaming is the 1st sign of weakness" (quoting Jim Belushi).
I have been trying to remind myself of this for some time now, and have finally succeeded in the last few months at least enough to realize a start to "a better adventure" with some aspects in Life. In the fleeting seconds of such negative feelings, I have been continually trying to focus myself on something I said to someone else recently. I try to find my internal "happy place", as if I am "internally meditating". While doing so, I am also maintaining being fully conscious of what's going on around me. Yes, "multitasking"... lol I have found it very helpful to maintain calmer breathing/ thinking during the potential stressful moments. It has certainly helped me with many different aspects with others in different circumstances/situations.
Good friends that we can TRULY TRUST!!! That stay true to us through the "rough" patches, and especially through times of our adhering to our 'inner enemies'... That can be trusted enough for us to let down the wall and get "close" to. To be able to "vent" when frustrated without them taking offense, even when sometimes we are frustrated with them as well. To share our darkest secrets with and know they will not judge us for it, but help us through it if need be. To actually FULLY trust that they will always be there for us... through "thick or thin" - especially when we are like this ourselves. To know that even if a long amount of time passes between visits, you are still faithful friends. THESE are the "TRUE FRIENDS"!!! These... are the ones amongst us that become part of our Lives, and that are ALWAYS appreciated & valued highly.
  Sadly they are hard to come by, and for this reason negatives "come out to play". It is up to us as individuals, to fight them off in positive ways. As continuous improvements of ourselves in these aspects are always good also, it may just be a matter of our own perspectives.
For if we don't, can we ourselves claim to be a "TRUE FRIEND" to others?
   To be on the "venting" side is great for releasing frustrations, this is true. But it needs to be done after a cool off period. And it needs to be mentioned to the one "receiving" it, that it is not meant to be taken personally (if applicable), vicious, or otherwise offensive. Because if it isn't, the receiving end is no "bowl of cherries". It may come across as intrusive, accusatory, or attack ridden. NOT what is wanted when possibly receiving it/ already frustrated and needing to vent.
   I say this because it is well known that no matter which side of the conflict (venting or receiving), both sides are not happy. The individuals involved MUST come to a solution, that ALL are happy with (yes a conflict resolution square may come in handy here). Otherwise it can only "hinder"/ lose the friendship. Thus why objectivity is ALWAYS A MUST for any "conflict resolution"!!! Without it there is no room for improvement, only negativity in MASS quantities.
Some possible inspiration/ things to remember:
1. Everyone eventually calms down from frustrations.
2. Staying calm is the BEST way to deal with stress. DON'T FORGET TO BREATH! Most things are not as bad as they seem, and CAN & DO get resolved.
3. Whether it's by writing, emailing, chatting, calling, or doing a little research... There is ALWAYS help "out there" somewhere in your "reach".
4. Sometimes just listening until the one venting is done, is the best thing to do.
5. Choice is yours!!! You just need to make the decide, of what to do (if anything).
6. Once we conquer these inner demons, we can see more clearly how we can behave like a true friend to ourselves and others.
Until next time...
Pleasant journeys through the Lands of Dreams & Mares!!!
Chris S./ M.M. (*@^@*)

Words of Wisdom Along the Way...

These are words of wisdom for inspirational purposes, throughout our own realities that we call LIFE.

"Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it. No matter if I have said it. Unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." Buddha

I can't remember where some came from, or who said it... sorry. This is a short list for now, but will be added to in the future I'm sure...

3 Values to live by:
~ Feel good
~ Be good
~ Do good

+ Wisdom becomes knowledge when it becomes your personal experience.  
+ Meditation is the creative control of the self where the infinite can talk to you.  
+ The one who can rotate the Earth for you can take care of your routine.  
+ Fools live in fear; the wise live in strength.
+ Whatever you are, you are. Be proud of it!  
+ To be calm is the highest achievement of the self. My addition here... especially in times of conflict.
+ "Play is JUST as important for adults as it is for kids. It reduces stress, makes us feel happier, and bonds us together. So add more play, everyday.
+ Gracious Living: Love openly, speak humbly, listen actively & forgive holistically. Be of service w/ passion, positive actions & kindness. [LUX4Good - Twitter]
+ Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. ~ Stephen Hawking - [Think Fitness - Twitter]
+ "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" ~ Gandhi
+ Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so....... "Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't."
+ You will meet many people. All are significant.. They Deserve your attention and care, even if all you do Is smile and say "hello."
+ Stop to help those in need, by doing so you are unselfishly serving others and blessed by God.
+ Giving when it counts, you just may save a Life!
+ Always remember to tip those who serve you, they may need it more than you know.
+ Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

My personal thoughts:
+ I believe in living my life by what I call the 4 Rs:
~ Respect
~ Responsibility
~ Reason-ability
~ Reliability

+ Life needs to be run like:
~ a business in RE: to organization & schedules
~ like you're famous!!! in RE: memories & quality time enjoyments.

+ The difference between "Concepts" & "Perspectives":
~ Concepts are the ideas.
~ Perspectives are how we look at them.

+ People seem to be more willing to accept the ideas of ghosts, spirits, angels and devils than they do aliens from other planets. Who is to say that one is not the other, or each are not the same as the other? So many possibilities, it's a shame to "close a door" towards any. (100701134PMish C.E.S.)

Until I see you again darlingks...
Pleasant journeys throughout Life's adventures!!!
Chris S. (*@^@*)