Monday, September 22, 2014

Crafting Our Characters (COC) – Introduction

Hello out there,
Today brings a couple of different twists to my blogs, and I am unsure how many/ often it may happen in the future.
First: In my usual attempt to keep blogs short/ on one screen length, this blog is now a common themed series.
Example: Basics Intro. (this blog) covers an 'edu-idea' (042214330PMishC.E.S.) of mine only.
Next subject section (Basics1): Background Information
& Second: I hope you appreciate this educational introduction!
Subject: Character Creation/ Design
When we think about character creation/ design, we usually think of video game avatars/ cartoon characters we grew up with on Saturday mornings. This blog is about getting in touch with ourselves as people, and how we can create/ design our own personalities/ character traits. How is this related to creating/ designing video game avatars/ characters? Read on my friends... (^&^)
My 'Edu-Idea':
This is a blog about creating a character for your own amusement/ educational purposes.
I describe it this way, because it can be used both ways either separately or together/ simultaneously. I know this from my own experiences as I have discovered a couple of tricks to getting some undesirable/ difficult/ procrastination ridden tasks done. Examples:
1) If I think of the task getting done by an "alter-ego", I can envision myself doing it easier.
2) My past research of both our Canadian history/ heritage, as well as characters' (already in our existence) abilities, limits, and character traits has lead to learning what is desirable and undesirable - to both myself, and others.
For example:
In regards to Nationality/ Heritage:
Thinking of our Nationality/ heritage does not always stir the desired memories or feelings, but it can help us learn why we have the character traits we do. Some are heavily influenced by our belief systems, and some of those stem from our Nationality/ heritage. What we choose to practice and what we have grown up practicing, may be two different lists to us.
Here we can go further, with...
A "Le Challenge":
Look up some of your Nationality's history, and compare it with how we behave. & Don't forget any religious influence possibilities! Do you see anything similar or related? Is there any negatives we wish to change to positives?
A good thing to keep in mind... What's generally popular/ well known, may not be "your thing".
3) Personality growth - This is another positive growth opportunity!
Used as an Educational Tool ('edu-tool' (042214332PMishC.E.S.)): As we see the undesirables, we also see improvement possibilities within them for us and all "Human-kind". With this identification of what we wish to change into, we can start observing ourselves for where/ when those changes are needed. If we take that further during observational times; we can "catching ourselves" in these negative acts, and attempt to change them into positive behavior. Let's write a list(s), so we can start the transformation!
A great way to remind ourselves of what changes we want, is to write a list of course. There are a few ways to keep us looking at the list that may help. Keep in mind that what works for one, may not work as well or at all for another. For example: Keeping that list with us often helps a lot, but may be not as helpful as "post-it" notes in places we look often, or texts to ourselves. There are many ways of leaving ourselves notes, the trick is in causing ourselves to look at them.
In Brief:
Seeing myself doing it, is half the problem. Research can further our observations/ decisions; as we learn what is & is not desirable, what we do & do not want to behave like, and that we can observe ourselves for behaviour improvement opportunities. This is how we can create/ design our personalities, and positive growth experiences in life. (042214418PMishC.E.S.)
This is how we can also improve us as a member of our species/ "Human-kind". If more of us practiced this more often, our world would be a lot better off.
Tying it Together:
When we create/ design our video game avatars/ characters, this relates in the same manner. We can use the above outcome, to add what we want however we wish.
How would you want your avatar/ character to behave like?
What would be your version, of the "ultimate you"?
Watch for Basics1 coming soon! (^&^)
(link will be added once complete)
Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish the Dish/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)


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