Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Canada Day Love-0

Hello out there, How many times have we come across an "inspirational poster", and thought it wasn't so inspirational to you for some reason or another?
I have, and when I came across this one... it was no exception...

3 Thoughts For You... 
1st: I want to say that yes, remembering those who gave their lives in "the line of duty" is good to do - often or on a regular basis (ex.annual Day of the Dead). Lost lives are usually unnecessary (especially in the case of wars), and always sad. Why should it end so harshly (ex. war)?
2nd: I don't feel that people enslaving themselves to be a "soldier" for the "good of everyone", when it's really the greed of the wealthy/ gov. for one excuse/ "reason" or another (majority, if not all the time; example: resources) is not my idea of something to celebrate or promote.
3rd: I feel that we can celebrate our country for the fact that we live here, and want to continue being able to improve on ourselves, our surroundings, and ultimately not only our country but also our world.
I would rather celebrate Canada Day for the LOVE of our country ITSELF!
For what we have found from within it, created with it, and found within ourselves to do for it.
Life and our Country/ World is what we make of it!
For ourselves individually, and all others we choose to include. From each of our individual choices along our paths, and our experiences along the way.
Here is where perspectives come into play, because they can affect/ change our lives - including what we do and say. For how we see each thing can change how we view everything about that one topic/ everything else related, or even about many other things in life; and ultimately how we interact within it.
So HERE'S to Canada! CHEERS!!
For all the glorious positive creations/ people within it!! (^&~)
& Not for the show of "power over others" - via wars. 
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish T. Dish

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