Thursday, November 16, 2017

Overcoming Negativity

With the weather taking over many of our thoughts and moods, it can be hard not to fall "victim" to negativity. This is a blog to help those who may be trying to avoid/ may be dealing with depression, low self-esteem, or low self-confidence.
There have many times in life when depression has “knocked on my door”. I never always recognized it, or even knew it was “knocking”. And I guess I never really thought about it much before doing it...
I share this in hopes that this may help anyone in need. Quoting myself here from a comment made on Facebook.
‘When I fell into depression before, I found art/ experimentation explorations to be my "therapy". I explored in multiple arts and crafts, and community activities that included:
~ I joined some community committees, and helped host their events (see it in my volunteer info. on my profile).
~ Painting with acrylics: mostly on canvas of various sizes, but also various objects. Some pre-made, and some I made myself with plaster of Paris (my Death by Series #1).
~ I created a resource, and hosted some events for others to join in the fun (my Halloween calendar, a.k.a. ACCG, that I did for 5 years). I created the whole thing myself including charts and pictures. It was only the printing I couldn't do without help (took it to a printer).
~ I also hosted some mini-events during others events, to help promote their events and add some extra fun. (Ex. International Monsters Day/ Pose-able Dead Dolls).
~ I made "splash pages" of all the various things I did, and what I helped out with/ supported. OUTCOME:
~ All of this contributed to me not feeling like I was a useless member of society in our community. 
~ It enabled me to explore my creative/ design-minded-self more.
~ It helped me to grow positively in multiple ways, and show others some things I am capable of. I call them "Favourite Freedom Forms (F3s)".
Dancing is another one of these forms for me. But it is something that I have always done, enjoyed, and won't quit doing. It can also serve as a great way to release some negative energies.’

Life can be quite the "Le Challenge" at times, and we may not always be up for it. If you are feeling the “cold crushing hand” of depression creeping up/ involving you, please keep this in mind.
Don’t give up! With a positive mindset and the right opportunities, you can find your way out of many/ any negative "funk". Sometimes those opportunities are right in front of us, we may just need to change our perspectives or receive that gentle nudge that family/ friends can provide.
Best wishes and positive vibes sent... (^&^)
Until next time,
Take Care & Safe Travels,
Chris S./ C.E.S. (^&~)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Magical Dating Realm

Hello out there,
This is inspired by a friend's conversation on FB.
When it comes to dating, it's never easy finding "the right one".
The first thing we should always look at here is, some questions to think about before we pursue/ look for "the right one".
Do we think of it as an overall thing?
Is it just "the right one", or "Mr./ Ms. right", or the one that suits us best?
What do we consider as factors of being "the right one"?
Do we think of what we would like to find in the other potential companion/ mate?
Do we know what we are "looking for", or why?
Are we looking because we are lonely, for financial reasons, or because we truly want to have that companion to be with for the rest of our lives/ marry?
I am sure there are more questions here, but they would probably be specific to each individual.

Now to continue with some theory...
I shared this part in a comment, and it inspired me to share it here.
Just throwing these thoughts out there...
Hell level 1: Comes before we die, and is usually unknowingly/ unwillingly done by us.
Hell level 2: Online dating for the single/ lonely.
Hell level 3: To some this is kids/ an addiction problem (once acknowledged as a problem or not).
Hell level 4: To some... FB/ any other "social media". The drama never seems to end/ they seem to attract it.
Hell level 5: Probably after we do actually die. This would probably include all the things we disliked/ hated/ "personal tortures" while we were living.
The rest would be down there.
So, why live in Hell? STOP the online dating!
> try going to events instead and meeting people while there...
> Like Dale suggested, try going to a bookstore/ library...
> Try other public places like pools, billiards, cafe's, etc...
> Maybe a friend/ (dare I say) a family member may know someone that would totally suit you. They may not know off the top of their head, but you never know who they know. Try attending friend's parties...
We tend to find people better when we meet in person... 
Just remember to keep an open mind & heart, not blind ones.
Seriously, I was introduced to my boyfriend currently (that yes, I do plan on moving in and marrying) through a mutual friend while at CLUB ABSTRACT one night, then we ran into each other in line for their closing night. From there we started chatting here on FB via messages, and after I got to know him better I invited him over for a movie. 
I hope this helps... (^&^)
Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels!
Chris S./ C.E.S.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Exercise Me 1

I have noticed in many (including myself) that as we (the general public) get older we tend to become lazier, or want to. Life can get very busy, and can be a distraction at times with many things. One of these things is not noticing that we/ I in particular here has gained weight, and fallen into the "fatter/ less fit than I want to be" zone. Getting fit/ back in shape isn't always easy/ easy to stay on track (pun intended), and we don't always want to. Myself, I have Arthritis, so this is good for me and I need to do it all year - hopefully I will.
NOTE: This is the first of this blog for me, and as I go I will create more - thinking monthly/ bi-monthly.
With that said, I want to share the following:
1. For my friends whom have noticed and not mentioned it, or thankfully haven't noticed, I thank you.
2. For any that may need some inspiration/ motivation to get exercising/ stay exercising, I am here to try and help.
In the last month or so I have been exercising mostly at home, and I have shed 5 lbs. YAY!! (^&^)

Today I am sharing my exercise routines and non-routines, that have occurred over the last month or so.
~ Some exercises I do are either at a "regular" pace, a "slow motion" pace, or both - depending on the exercise being done or the time I may have to do it in (if I am limited with time).
~ I don't always get to exercise at the same time, or always do it the same way - variety makes it more interesting, or even at home (depends on the day/ errands ran).
Here we go!
File name: "Track me"
Officially starting to track my exercising Fri.042117

WHEN, WHAT, & Possible with WHOM
> Thur.042017 - "Max Workouts", & other videos (7 - 10pm).
"Max Workouts" is like many others trying to sell you a service/ product. I just happened to come across it during research, and check it out. I am not trying to advertise/ promote it here.
> Fri.042117 – multiple aerobic videos observed with my friend Hope. (2 - 5pm)
> Tues.050217 – Reacquainted myself with the "Core" series video (leg workout)
~ Thur.041317 – by myself (1:30pm – 10 mins)
Starting easy...
> 10 Sits ups
> Jogging on spot - 200 count, 
> 10 Toe-touching - diagonally, 
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
** Intend to add feet balancing, lunges, lying Vs, & more body twists.
~ Tues.041817 - by myself (3:10pm – 20mins)
> 5 Lying Vs
> 15 Sit ups, 
> 20 Butt lifts - 10 count (minimum) each time.
~ "Lying Vs": Laying on my back, with both legs and arms straight and stretched out as far as they can (arms above my head). I then bring both upper and lower body portions together into a V shape, much like a sit up. I have done this at a "regular" pace, as well as a "slow motion" pace. Of course the slow motion works the muscles more, as it takes longer to get to the "V" shape.
~ Butt lifts: Clenching the buttocks while standing, laying down, or while walking works great. 
BONUS: Sometimes during walking, I also tighten up my stomach muscles - this too can help with my abs, and I try to remember to do so as often as I can while "out and about".
~ Thur.042017 – by myself (1:30pm – 10 mins)
> 15 Sits ups,
> Jogging on spot - 300 count,
> 10 Toe-touching - diagonally,
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
~ Fri.042117 = Exercise – W/ Hope (2pm – 20 mins)
YouTube Video - aerobics: 
> Arm work w/ and without weights (1 lb each)
> Jogging on spot, 
> Football-style bum shake, 
> etc...
~ Sun.042317 = Exercise by myself (at boyfriend's; 9pm – 20 mins)
> Jogging on the spot - 200 count (a bit tired today).
> 10 Sit ups
> 20 Lying Vs
~ Tues.042517 = Exercise by myself (2 – 2:32pm)
> 1 wall squat – 10 sec. Count at 4 heights along the wall with weighted arms out front,
> Jogging on the spot with circular weighted arms (1 lb each) motions – 300 count,
> 10 lunges – 10 sec. Count with weighted arms front & back, sat for 2 min. Break for file update. (2:11pm)
> Arm Lifts with Reflex band - 10 sets in 4 directions (band looks like a skipping rope with wide handles)
> Jumping jacks – 10 sets of 10 with weighted arms to the sides/ jack and a knee lift (count as needed)/ side between jacks, and water break (2:20pm).
> Duo-bicycles: 10 sets of 10 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> Too tired for now... (2:32pm)
~ Thur.042717 – by myself (6:30pm – 10 mins)
> Jogging on the spot - 300 count,
> 50 Jumping jacks, 
> 5 Off the side of my bed push ups.
~ Sun.043017 – W/ Z (3:05 – 4:25pm)
> Walked home from 900 Guelph St., Kitchener
~ Tues.050217
Home resource: "CORE Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Body Sculpting Collection"
"Lower Body Sculpt" video (12 – 12:30pm)
> 10 lunges – 10 count each leg
> 10 squats – 5 count
> 10 calf raises – 10 count
> 10 count each for legs – side swings, then back swings, then balance to the side & back.
~ This "collection" includes: "Lower Body Sculpt", "Latin Cardio Jam", & "Secret To Sexy Abs", "Full Workout", "Quick Workout", "Latin Dance Made Easy", and "Kick Start". 
~ I do intend to do more of this later. 
~ Thur.050417 (4pm – 10mins.)
> Duo-bicycles: 10 slow motion sets of 10 - bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> 5 groups of 10 slow motion sit ups
~ Mon.050817
> Walked to bus from home, to dentist from downtown terminal. (10:30 - 15mins), to pharmacy (Highland & West) from Homewood & Queen, to home from pharmacy (1 – 15mins).
~ Tues.050917
LEGS (10 – 10:30am)
> Jogging on the spot with arms moving too – 300 count
> Balancing: one foot against other leg – 5 count each – 2 times, 10 count each – once.
> 50 jumping jacks
> 50 squats with arms lifted to center of throat height.
> Across body elbow to lifted knee – 50 each side.
> Lunges - 5 groups of 10 each side.
> Across body toe touching – 10 each side.
> 10 push ups off the side of my bed.
ABS (10:30 – 11am)
> Duo-bicycles: 40 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> 10 Lying Vs – 10 count hold each.
> 100 sit ups – 50 normal paced, 50 slow motion paced.
~ Wed.051017
> Walked from boyfriend's to corner of Lackner & Fairway (missed the bus by 3 mins walk from plaza driveway to stop), then up Fairway to River (1/2 hour). Stopped for food in food court, then took bus downtown. Walked home from downtown terminal (20 mins). => 50 mins of walking.
~ Thur.051117
School Field Trip Day!
> Walked from home through park to downtown KPL (40 mins), then walked with Z's class to Victoria Park (rested for 15 mins) and then walked home.
~ Fri.051217
> Walked to Pita Factory w/ my boys & Hope for dinner (reward for downsizing for 5 hours today!), and then back after. (7pm - 20? mins each way)

~ Mon.051517
> Walked to bus (10 mins), walked to Service Canada (Frederick & King = 5 mins), shopping in the mall (1hr?), walked to & shopped at Best Buy & Beat Goes On (2hrs, 30mins?), walked back to mall for bus (10mins?), walked home from bus stop (5mins) = 4 hrs?
~ Wed.051717
Trip to KPL downtown - Z's book on hold (4 – 7pm)
> Waked to KPL from home, walked to Dollarama, and walked home.
~ Thur.051817 (12:35 – 1:35pm, & 3:30 - 4pm)
> Walked from home to the bus stop (10 mins), walked from downtown bus terminal to dentist and back (15mins), walked from Tim Hortons (bus stop) on Highland to run errands, then home (35mins). = 1hr of walking.
> 20 Lying Vs
> 20 Lying diagonal crunches each side.
> 20 Lying leg lifts each side – lifted straight-legged from the floor to as far to my chest as possible.
> 50 Diagonal elbow to lifted knee (standing crunches) – each side.
> 50 Sit ups – normal paced.
> Duo-bicycles: 40 bicycle with legs & opposite weighted arms (1 lb each).
> Balancing: one foot against other leg – 5 count each – 2 times, 10 count each – once.
~ Wed.052417 (11 – 11:30am)
Home resource: "CORE Rhythms Dance Exercise Program - Body Sculpting Collection"
"Secret To Sexy Abs"
> Crunching: diagonal, straight, rotate; rhythm moves, normal/ slow motion & faster tempos...
& Keep Your Mind on Your Abs! (^&~)
Until next time...
Take Care & Safe Travels!
A word about Blogger:

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Diary of an Arthritic 1

=> D.o.A1 – Growing Pains
First I feel the need to say... I do not share this to "re-open old wounds", make anyone feel bad/ sorry for me, or any other negatives. This is simply a blog for the inspiration of others.
My inspirations for this blog:
> My continual efforts to help/ support those who may be in need of inspirations in many ways.
Physical Difficulties
My childhood was rough. When I was 13 months old, doctors discovered that I had JRA (Junior Rheumatoid Arthritis - Stills), so I was in and out of hospitals since it was discovered. I was told that at the age of 2 years my leg was broken over a simple clumsy fall, and I think this was my first stay in a hospital overnight that I vaguely remember. I am not sure if I was kept for observations when I was younger though. After that I was in and out for check ups that involved a minimum of my doctor, and his assistant or a learning student. I remember some times I felt like a lab experiment, as the table I was lying on was completely surrounded by medical staff/ students. Hospital check ups continued into my teen years, until finally I didn't have to go so much as my arthritis seemed to be in remission around 15 years old.
In my adult life, I have now seen an "acetabulor osteotemy" (I call it a hip extension with large metal screws), both hips replaced (also metal), and a shin plate (also metal) from a broken leg. All this happened in an 11 year span, and with all these metal parts I often wish they were bionic – why not be like the "Bionic Woman"?
Social Difficulties
I had challenges with walking "normal" due to my JRA, so naturally I was avoided/ made fun of by others in grade school. I knew this was to be "the norm" for my life at school, but I didn't realize it was also going on at home in different ways. When my sister started to take on an "I'm better than you" attitude that she felt free to say often/ treat me badly; while my mom just stood by and watched, as if a school kid watching a fight on the playground. My mom seemed to show favourtism towards my younger sister for many years, and I got blamed for things I didn't even know about/ do – "normal" for most families some may say... but I think it could have been due to my mom's possible feeling of burden/ hassle from raising me with such an issue/ problem, and my younger sister's attitudes did not help. My mom never seemed to support me much outside my JRA.
I never really realized that my mom and sister were like this still until a more recent visit. Sad but true. So I prefer to keep my distance, as I see these as "toxic" behaviours. I rarely talk to either of them now, and honestly it doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that they still choose to behave in such ways towards me. I am forgiving not forgetting, and I hope it stops before any of us die.
Change is good!
Out of all this, came my change of perspective as I decided to ignore the rudenesses/ ignorances of others, and teach myself how to find my inner strength to become the survivor I needed to be. I think I was about 13 years old then, because by 15 years old I started trying to move out. I didn't succeed until 2 years later, and I am thankful that I have never had to live there again.
And despite the fact that these events can be depressing to think about, I find positivity and comfort in knowing that I have gotten past them – at least for now.
  1. Seeing the truth of situations, and realizing when there are "toxic" behaviours/ relationships. Then distancing myself from them – mentally & physically. Mentally is harder.
  2. No longer looking for/ needing comfort, support, validation, or closure.
  3. Self-Awareness & Developments - Doing "my own thing(s)", and finding the values of me.
  4. Continual Self-Interests based studies for life and career – ongoing life-long learner.
  5. Reaching out to my community supports (friends included).
  6. Remaining POSITIVE through it all – not always easy, but I try.
  7. Sharing all this for those who may need some inspiration.

If you have read this far down, thank you.
Feel free to leave a comment anywhere I may share this, and to share this with anyone whom may need it.
Until next time...
Take Care & Safe Travels!
Chris E. S./ C.E.S. (042717635PMishC.E.S.)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Canada Day Love-0

Hello out there, How many times have we come across an "inspirational poster", and thought it wasn't so inspirational to you for some reason or another?
I have, and when I came across this one... it was no exception...

3 Thoughts For You... 
1st: I want to say that yes, remembering those who gave their lives in "the line of duty" is good to do - often or on a regular basis (ex.annual Day of the Dead). Lost lives are usually unnecessary (especially in the case of wars), and always sad. Why should it end so harshly (ex. war)?
2nd: I don't feel that people enslaving themselves to be a "soldier" for the "good of everyone", when it's really the greed of the wealthy/ gov. for one excuse/ "reason" or another (majority, if not all the time; example: resources) is not my idea of something to celebrate or promote.
3rd: I feel that we can celebrate our country for the fact that we live here, and want to continue being able to improve on ourselves, our surroundings, and ultimately not only our country but also our world.
I would rather celebrate Canada Day for the LOVE of our country ITSELF!
For what we have found from within it, created with it, and found within ourselves to do for it.
Life and our Country/ World is what we make of it!
For ourselves individually, and all others we choose to include. From each of our individual choices along our paths, and our experiences along the way.
Here is where perspectives come into play, because they can affect/ change our lives - including what we do and say. For how we see each thing can change how we view everything about that one topic/ everything else related, or even about many other things in life; and ultimately how we interact within it.
So HERE'S to Canada! CHEERS!!
For all the glorious positive creations/ people within it!! (^&~)
& Not for the show of "power over others" - via wars. 
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish T. Dish

Monday, September 22, 2014

Crafting Our Characters (COC) – Introduction

Hello out there,
Today brings a couple of different twists to my blogs, and I am unsure how many/ often it may happen in the future.
First: In my usual attempt to keep blogs short/ on one screen length, this blog is now a common themed series.
Example: Basics Intro. (this blog) covers an 'edu-idea' (042214330PMishC.E.S.) of mine only.
Next subject section (Basics1): Background Information
& Second: I hope you appreciate this educational introduction!
Subject: Character Creation/ Design
When we think about character creation/ design, we usually think of video game avatars/ cartoon characters we grew up with on Saturday mornings. This blog is about getting in touch with ourselves as people, and how we can create/ design our own personalities/ character traits. How is this related to creating/ designing video game avatars/ characters? Read on my friends... (^&^)
My 'Edu-Idea':
This is a blog about creating a character for your own amusement/ educational purposes.
I describe it this way, because it can be used both ways either separately or together/ simultaneously. I know this from my own experiences as I have discovered a couple of tricks to getting some undesirable/ difficult/ procrastination ridden tasks done. Examples:
1) If I think of the task getting done by an "alter-ego", I can envision myself doing it easier.
2) My past research of both our Canadian history/ heritage, as well as characters' (already in our existence) abilities, limits, and character traits has lead to learning what is desirable and undesirable - to both myself, and others.
For example:
In regards to Nationality/ Heritage:
Thinking of our Nationality/ heritage does not always stir the desired memories or feelings, but it can help us learn why we have the character traits we do. Some are heavily influenced by our belief systems, and some of those stem from our Nationality/ heritage. What we choose to practice and what we have grown up practicing, may be two different lists to us.
Here we can go further, with...
A "Le Challenge":
Look up some of your Nationality's history, and compare it with how we behave. & Don't forget any religious influence possibilities! Do you see anything similar or related? Is there any negatives we wish to change to positives?
A good thing to keep in mind... What's generally popular/ well known, may not be "your thing".
3) Personality growth - This is another positive growth opportunity!
Used as an Educational Tool ('edu-tool' (042214332PMishC.E.S.)): As we see the undesirables, we also see improvement possibilities within them for us and all "Human-kind". With this identification of what we wish to change into, we can start observing ourselves for where/ when those changes are needed. If we take that further during observational times; we can "catching ourselves" in these negative acts, and attempt to change them into positive behavior. Let's write a list(s), so we can start the transformation!
A great way to remind ourselves of what changes we want, is to write a list of course. There are a few ways to keep us looking at the list that may help. Keep in mind that what works for one, may not work as well or at all for another. For example: Keeping that list with us often helps a lot, but may be not as helpful as "post-it" notes in places we look often, or texts to ourselves. There are many ways of leaving ourselves notes, the trick is in causing ourselves to look at them.
In Brief:
Seeing myself doing it, is half the problem. Research can further our observations/ decisions; as we learn what is & is not desirable, what we do & do not want to behave like, and that we can observe ourselves for behaviour improvement opportunities. This is how we can create/ design our personalities, and positive growth experiences in life. (042214418PMishC.E.S.)
This is how we can also improve us as a member of our species/ "Human-kind". If more of us practiced this more often, our world would be a lot better off.
Tying it Together:
When we create/ design our video game avatars/ characters, this relates in the same manner. We can use the above outcome, to add what we want however we wish.
How would you want your avatar/ character to behave like?
What would be your version, of the "ultimate you"?
Watch for Basics1 coming soon! (^&^)
(link will be added once complete)
Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish the Dish/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Universal Language - Love

    As we all know that every month now has a holiday. Which means we get saturated in the stores to buy, buy, buy with overlapping holiday items/ sales. Waaayyy to much commercialism for me, thanks! 
   However, each month now is chalked full of days, designated/ known to have a special significance. Whether history or silliness, there are plenty enough to fill a calendar! I should know, I gather the information for my annual calendar, and it includes such things. Why do I include them? To promote the positives of course!   As it seems that some need the continual "friendly reminders", throughout the year.
   As almost everyone knows February's main celebrated holiday - Valentine's/ V-Day, hosts the idea of "Spreading the Love". This is a wonderful idea, that has now grown into the entire month being designated/ known as "Love Month". A good start to spread love more often!!! Those celebrating it have many activities, events, and other options to consider in their communities. For those that don't being single on V-Day is the worst! It is often seen as a time of sadness, depression, and unfortunately for some even suicide. Fortunately there are ways to help! See below... (^&^) 
   Another well known example of this "Love Month" is December, when everyone seems to "spread the love much more willingly. As they tend to show more love and appreciation towards others, all due to "Christmas Spirit". Isn't this really just happiness for the year finally coming to an end? lol They say " 'Tis The Season of Giving", but are we truly giving? Many think that how much they spend/ receive determines how much they love/ are loved. To me these ideas are incorrect, removes the true meaning/ pureness of the thought, and encourages unwanted negative behaviours. 
   With February at the beginning of the year and December at the end, there seems the logical question of What about the rest of the year?
   As commercialism for every holiday saturates us, it is long overdue for a change. "Giving" of ourselves is what's MOST important and needed. It's not meant to just be when "society" declares the days, dates, or months; nor reduced to include only those we know well. It is meant to include everyone we know/ meet. After all; it is needed every day, all year long, all the time, and everywhere around the world!
    We each can take the time to show that we TRULY care. Each of us can help relieve the possible stresses, through love & friendship. To show that we are willing to help any way we can, and whenever possible. Then actually help them right when it's needed - with honest and vigilant efforts. After all, isn't that part of "what friends are for"? Example:
 I stopped in at a friend's place and discovered help was needed, as those around them did nothing. This showed me how much closer of a friend I was to her. So calling in help with a ride, I was able to help while I was there. A HUGE THANKZ for that ride (you know who you are... wink, wink)!!! 
    We take the time to care for the ones we know well and love. But what about those "new friends", acquaintances, or even those we collaborate with? How often do we do something nice for them?
    There are MANY ways that we can give of ourselves, that we tend to forget or take for granted. Whether it is our not needed/unwanted belongings, our help, or even some of our time/ attention. 
   This is not in any particular order, they were just randomly thought of and I'm sure there's more that could be thought of by many. 
Here's some sayings to help remember some ideas:
Giving your invited/ needed assistance or time to others, 
is always appreciated no matter the weather.
Knowledge sharing is helpful, more often than not. 
Give it a try!.
Purging always help make room for more family & friends!
BONUS - Goodies = Yummy!!!
  For me I try to aid others in so many ways. After gathering information for a calendar yearly now, it is nice to see more celebrations throughout the years that try to promote the positives of "Spreading the Love"! Due to this I have included my own versions of many of these monthly, with a special HUMP Day thrown in - to at least give us an "excuse" if needed... lol
My "TOP 10" Pay It Forward List:
10. Help a neighbor.
9. Bake for others.
8. Promote/ attend "Do Good" options, for yourself and others to participate in.
7. Donate warm clothes, toys, books, movies, etc... to a local community center/resource.
6. Donate to your local food bank.
Can also be through many public events hosting it, or otherwise.
5. Donate your time like a "big sister/ big brother" to someone in need.
4. Donate your time to read/sing to sick kids/ the elderly.
3. Be more generous with yourself towards others (attention, attendance, patience, etc...).
2. Volunteer within your community.
1. Take in a "person in need" of shelter for a day, a week, a month, a season, etc... Your choice.
+++ BONUS+++
Feel inspired/ motivated after reading that?
Then here's my 'Pay It Forward Le Challenge':
1. Pick 1-3 things from the list or from what you think up to participate in.
2. While doing each task, take "evidence" pics or pics of those you are giving to.
3. Post them with a link to this page/ blog, and one to your pics.
Feel free to to do any/ all, and tell us how you liked this 'Le Challenge'.
Thankz!!! (^^^)
Enjoy spreading the love, and feel free to share your stories!   
More Ideas/ detailed lists: 
my Odd        
LOVE in Friendship Always,
Your 'Freaky Little Sista'
Chris S. (*@^@*)

P.S. For a more detailed list of ideas: