Monday, June 4, 2012

What Matters To You?

~~~+++=== BLOGGING WITH PURPOSE ===+++~~~

I have read many blogs along my "investigative journeys" of sharing 'wacky celebrations' daily. Some have been really great to find, but not all have much to say that is of real importance. So with thoughts of "quality over quantity", I would rather blog of things that matter in life (of course, I will still blog about other "life experiences" also). 
This is not a "new" idea; as it has been discussed before in the "Access Creativity" group that I attend, and probably within many other groups of creative thinkers. It was a day in May, when I finally figured out how to 'Le Challenge' it for us all.
So here it is... (^^^)

An ongoing 'Le Challenge': To me and anyone interested. 
WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT: Any/ many different important life matters.
What are YOU curious about?
How/ does it affect the creative aspects in your chosen area(s) of interest/ profession(s)/ life?

1. TREES: the importance of them, why we need to replant them, and why it's CRUCIAL to stop cutting our trees/ forests of the world!
An example of this is shown well through the animated movie "Fern Gulley". This gives a great introduction to these thoughts, and a possible solution (stopping the cutting) of our forests. In the movie a character named Zack fights against technology/ the "evil spirit" of mankind.
2. Music Industry:
How commercializing artists takes away from the artist's creativity & process of creating.
3. Conforming to "normal" standards in each genre of commercialism. 

Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Positive Purpose Within A Chain Letter?

The Meaning of Color & your B-Day
I recently got this in an email...  I don't care for those that say things like "for this to work, you must... invite all your friends/ share this to... " I personally, prefer the more positive sides/ aspects of sharing and would rather leave such decisions of what/ if to share, to you.
Therefore, I decided to change something about the answer to question #9.
Hope you like it.

Quoiting from the email:
"The meaning of color and your Birthday.
Plz; Don't cheat,
if you are honest, this tells the truth.
It's pretty good.
Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!! The answers are at the bottom.

1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?

2.. Your first initial(First letter of your name)?

3... Your month of birth?

4.... Which color do you like more, black or white?

5..... Name of a person of the same gender as yours..

6...... Your favorite number?

7....... Do you like Flying or Driving more?

8........ Do you like a lake or the ocean more?

9......... Write down a wish (a real one).

When you're done, scroll down.. (Don't cheat!)

1. If you choose: RED- You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back..
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is: A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good..
3. If you were born in: Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose: Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose: Flying: You like adventure.
Driving: You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose: Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish"
This is where I cut in... (^^^)Pur

9. This wish can come true if:
a) You believe it can actually happen - ENVISION it!!! Feel free to ask yourself Q's like: What would it "be" like? ALL 5 senses to be included here. Feel free to write a list.
b) Look deeper into all the steps listed in a), and find out the "tree" of steps/ options to gaining more "ground/ access" to this "Big picture" of this dream (listed as your answer to the Q #9a) above). Feel free to write a list.

c) Time to "break down" steps listed in b), into steps that can be taken EACH DAY! A great example is our "carbon footprints" on our planet that we make each day. What "eco-friendly" steps do we take? ACTION is needed NOW!

d) Make a list for each of the above with YOU in mind. Not what "should be", unless you are willing to be one to do so yourself. But what is relevant to you/ your own life. Including everyone in it that can/ does influence you, as this may take affect throughout your decisions.
Take a look at what you could achieve!!! It's up to you from here where it takes you... Life can be tricky, where are we going??? I am currently still "working on this" myself.

Chris S. (*@^@*)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Enemies Within - Part 2

As I continue this blog in regards to our Inner Demons, I also continue speaking indirectly of friendship. Today I am speaking directly about a status post from a friend of mine - Jenn P. who said "fear is a clusterf***er. Bump it off the way, and Joy follows..."
My first response to this became too long, and I decided it's better shared here.:

Absolutely sista!!!
This reminds me of  some wise words spoken in a Bruce Lee  movie, that basically say... "There are 3 inner demons - hate, fear, and anger."
My belief:
This is much more true than some may realize; and as such, some of my friends have called this the "black/ dark" side of our "human nature/ souls". It is up to each of us in our world to learn & practiced ways to rid ourselves of these, and I am no exception. (just being honest)
My observance:
Conflict resolution/ anger management classes are not always the "solution" we may be looking for, or may be the "hidden starting of a solution". Some of us have gone more than once; as it is usually out of frustrations and thoughts of the classes "not working".
It's not always easy to remember the practice examples given, or to remind ourselves to practice them during these moments. If we can realize when these emotions are "running amuk/ taking over", then it is easier to remember & practice them.  To "identify the problem" while it's happening/ before it begins, is not an easy task.
My perspective:
It's precisely this not remembering to practice/ thinking during the "heat of the moment", that is our biggest challenge and partial to all three of our inner demons listed above. With all this going on, it may seem overwhelming. Time to take a breather, and relax. As I have blogged of this in my previous blog "Our Enemies Within - Part 1", thinking of how we want to be treated by others can help us to become better friends - not only to ourselves, but others also.
Until next time!
Take care & Safe travels!
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Petition Signing & Comments Added Feb.28, 2012

WOW! I can't believe I have come across such opportunities to "have my say" and give my opinions. Here is the now LIST of petitions (with my comments) I have signed - today:

~ RE: Girls are the Answer... And so are YOU
My petition comment - #8,843/12:40 pm February 28/Chris S./Canada:
It's well known that girls are NATURAL NURTURERS, and that we care about a LOT of different things. For example, this is my 4th petition to sign today. The other petitions I've signed and commented on: RE: Walmart to Sell Monsanto GMO Corn This Summer, RE: Demand Clear Labels on Genetically Engineered Food; & RE: Protect Canada's Aid Budget. I'm sure as I explore, there may be more. And I'm NOT the only one "out there" that has a lot to say about MANY things that are "corrupt"/ should not be the way they are. Without girls/ women our world would be a LOT less caring, emphatic, understanding, reasonable, respectable, reliable, etc... and the boys/ men... would be lacking this too to some degree. As it is our MOMS that encourage these "sides" of us to blossom & grow. We don't call it "Father Earth", we call it "Mother Earth". And she needs protection, nurturing, and much more that girls can give her. If WOMEN "ran the world" - thinking like moms... I think "Mother Earth" would be in a MUCH better condition than all the problems she's having to this day. We all know as boys, they like to take things apart, damage/ break things. Why? BECAUSE OF VIOLENCE that is constantly "fed" to them through toys, movies, VIDEO GAMES, and the like. I'm VERY sad to see a world that not only promotes this to boys, but seems to see them all as "potential soldiers in the waiting/ making". Why can't boys be encouraged to BE A FATHER/ DADDY when they grow up INSTEAD? THIS is why I choose to let my youngest experience BOTH boy & girl toys, movies, video games that are NOT violent. Sadly the boy things without violence seem to be few and far between. (*~*)

~ RE: Protect Canada's Aid Budget
My petition comment - #9,679/12:16 pm February 28/Chris S./Canada:
I think that "Canadian aid" is a good thing, but at the same time why should WE go and "clean up the messes" created by OTHERS? We are still being KILLED in foreign countries. Why? Is it that we LOOK TOO MUCH like the ones "trying to help/ causing problems"? One must wonder this and MANY other questions! Maybe the question here isn't so much that we should protect our aid, but that we should protect our CITIZENS. Has anyone even thought of ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO AID??? Maybe WITHOUT sending our citizens/ troops out there??? Why is alternative ways to aid, not even a question/ option? I'm very concerned that this "pattern" of aid, IS the problem. And that the funds spent there could be MORE USEFUL allocated elsewhere. Who's with me? (*~*)

~ RE: Demand Clear Labels on Genetically Engineered Food
My petition comment - #19,342/12:01 pm February 28/Chris S./Canada: Because just as some consumers are wanting organic foods, so do they & the rest of us want to know which ones are GM/ GMO and which ones are not. To NOT label this is an injustice to not only our rights to know, but also to our freedom of choice, and freedom to LIVE! We should ALWAYS have these! Not to mention that it tells the world "we are sneaky, and want to kill you any way we can... see, now it's in foods - but we won't tell you which ones. That's top secret, and we will look for other ways to kill you too. Because WE DON'T CARE about the HUMAN RACE!" Responses to that... BOO!!! Even with our planet being in the conditions it is (which seems to be largely due to your "part" of being here - on Earth), we are STILL WORTHY CITIZENS!!! We are ALL VERY CONCERNED!!! (*~*)

~ RE: Walmart to Sell Monsanto GMO Corn This Summer
Petition: Walmart, Don’t Sell Monsanto Corn:
My petition comment - #5,798/10:31 am February 28/Chris S./Canada:
ANY food with POISONS in it is UNWELCOME!!! Population control should NEVER be on such a MASSIVE SCALE! Trying to kill us ALL off is KILLING OUR FUTURE life on this planet!!! To ignore the MASSES that REJECT THIS, IS SHAMEFUL!!! I hope that if ever mass KILLING like this is done, that KARMA comes back very quickly, to "bite" those in charge of this in the butt!!!

So with all that being said... WHO'S WITH ME???  

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hello out there!
Today I bring you some helpful info. to write your "artist bio".
Here we go... (^^^)

I once was asked indirectly, as a 'Le Challenge' (as I call it) from a company to write my artist bio. I dreaded it, and didn't do it. The outcome... I missed out on an opportunity. I have recently been asked again - directly.
This is my research "take" on my findings.

To KEEP YOU FOCUSED/ ORGANIZED, use this basic outline:

~ your background,
~ accomplishments,
~ goals,
~ objectives as an artist/ company

The business contacts you want to impress, deal with, and create lasting relationships with.
+ Art Reps - as individuals/ creative companies.
+ "Booking" Agents (Ex. as a vendor)
+ Management Contacts (Ex. Rare Funk)
+ Promoters (Ex. Alan, Em, Joseph, etc.)
+ Possible "Media" Contacts.

~ informative, and upbeat
~ filled with useful comments, descriptions, & quotes
~ And motivational language to aid their interest/ listen to you, and help you along your journeys.

1st Paragraph - WHO YOU ARE
Get your voice heard, and tell your story...
~ Introductory sentence clearly defines the essential artist/ name
~ Specific genre of art
~ Where you are from
~ Perhaps a positive quote about your art from a contact you have made in the business.

2nd Paragraph - WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE
Put a face to the name, and let the art do the talking for the people reviewing you.
~ Upload pics of your art with brief introductions/ explanations
~ Include pictures/ videos of you "doing your thing" everywhere/ anywhere you do it.
~ Hand-pick the pieces that showcase your authentic style, and versatility.

Address the immediate purpose of the Bio.
~ Current activity you are involved with.
~ If a new art/ craft/ project is coming out of the "closet", that should be the main topic of the first sentence.
~ A reason why the Bio has been written should be clearly stated early on in the paragraph.
~ Hints about any promotional activities is also useful here.

~ Keep an up-to-date calendar of your activities/ workshops, and event dates; so promoters can see where you're "doing stuff".
~ Include your basic requirements for creating.
~ Otherwise Information can be introduced - like:
+ Background information on the forming of the artist/ company/ group
+ Past experience/ accomplishments
+ Recognitions can be addressed

5th Paragraph: THE BIG PICTURE
Do you have "bigger picture" ideas/ plans? Have you developed a plan for larger development/ a career path?
Elaborate here, by demonstrating how your current project(s) are part of a "bigger picture". Quotes from either you or others can be useful to highlight your art/ craft/ new project(s).

Remember, the BIO SHOULD NOT WASTE WORDS. For a new artist 1 page is sufficient to get the job done. For more experienced artists, a page and a half to two pages should be the maximum length. So, ending the Bio in a efficient way should be the aim; use another quote from a gatekeeper who supports the artist, or summarize the 2nd paragraph information, reminding the reader of current activities.
PLEASE NOTE: Info. above is based on 2 sites (as listed below*), and I have combined both general & EPK info. guides per paragraph.
*1. - For generalized from music, and "adjusted" at the end; to work with the EPKs' guide.
2. - For EPK Info. Guide

RE: EPKs (
How promoters look at EPKs:
1. Review
Everything you want to know about an artist, including:
~ their art/ craft
~ mediums they use
~ bio
~ where they're creating/selling/ vending
~ what others are saying about them
~ photos, video and more.
This means less time reviewing what's not right for them, and finding the right artist faster. Millions are looking on various search engines/ sites ALL the time!!!
2. Respond
Includes EPKs from all the artists submitting to your gig. With emerging artists, you're met with quality in every genre including clothing and accessories, metal works, paintings, and more. They can review artist's info., and check out their art & social media buzz.
3. Select
Once they find the artist that's right for them, they can customize messages to the artists they've selected. Those not selected/ interested in but haven't decided on yet, usually get put aside.
*Visit They can help you with what are called EPKs (Electronic Press Kits - found here: However, the information I am providing you with will go along way to helping you with your EPKs, but you WILL need both at this time.

That's it for research here... now I'm ready!!!

My 'Le Challenge' to me:
1. To "attack" this bio with peace of mind - knowing it will finally be officially "started" (as they usually change along life's journeys).
2. To remember to BREATHE during the tough spots.
3. To try and accomplish this BEFORE the week's end.

Thankz to all who inspire me, and those they encounter along the way!!! CHEERS!!!
Until next time...
Pleasant Journeys through all of Life's adventures!!!
Chris S. (*@^@*)